Monday, July 04, 2005
God Answers Prayer
----------------------------------------------------- "Got A Problem?...
...Gather And Pray...
God Answers Prayer...
for we are God's Anointed People...Amen!"--YMGAP youths-----------------------------------------------------
Dear brothers and sisters in christ,
I was just browsing through the prayer blog posts and I happened to click (from the administrator page) on the post titled 'Prayer Meeting' dated 23 Dec 2004. As I read it God reminded me of how He has been faithful, and how all the things that have been happening recently have been God's answer to our prayers. Praise the Lord!
I pray that you have been walking closely to the Lord. One portion of Scripture that the Lord has shown me recently and has been affirmed as one of you prayed for me is "...when you seek Me with all your heart." (Jer 29:13b) How do I seek Him 'with all my heart'? As I pondered, I realised that I do not know. It may be for the lack of seeking Him in this way, or of a usual half-hearted desire for Him in the light of other distractions. I wonder how many of us know how to? Let's ask the Lord to show us how 'to seek Him with all our hearts'.
God Answers Prayer jiemin
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Sunday, July 03, 2005
Sundays YM Youths--response
Dear all,
He who has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit is saying to His church. God has begun in work in many of us leaders towards absolute surrender. I can only stand in awe at the powerful end-time army we will be if all of us are willing to pay the price of absolute surrender. The eyes of the Lord run to and fro, looking for those whose hearts are sold out to Him. For these He will fill with His awesome power and His transforming presence. As each of us leaders are transformed, our youths will be transformed as well. For the Spirit who works in us will work through us to touch their lives.
Keep on persevering. Together we will be victorious. Together we will see the revival fire fall.
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Listen to the Father's heart
to the leaders, in response to 'Sunday YM Youths'Dear co-labourers in Christ,
I would like to encourage you to come for prayer meeting. Since the prayer retreat, there has been a sense that God is moving (confirmation from all those who have gone for the retreat, sharing that there has been a change in our lives), and it is a good time to listen to the Lord for our ministry.
The Lord touched me in a profound way on friday. There were many things that I don't know how to share, but one thing I believe that the Lord showed me is that many times we pray with our heads(/intellect), but we do not feel the Father's heart as we pray. As the images of youths and leaders flashed in my mind, I began to weep as I prayed--grieving for their unsurrendered lives; grieving for His children who are not living to the full measure of their potential as a child of God. And it was just Wesley YM. Imagine if it were Wesley MC, or the Church in Singapore, or the lost in the whole world... I was like, 'Oh God, how can You take so much grief?'
We need to ask God to show us His heart for our youths as we pray and as we serve. We need to know His heart before we know how the Lord wants us to run His ministry. 2 Cor 5:14 "For
Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died." takes on a different dimension. For without the love of God for the youths and for each other in our hearts as we serve, what kind of ministry are we running? Let us humble ourselves before the Lord today and seek Him, and ask Him to show us just even a bit of His broken heart for some of us, that may be too much grief to bear.
In His love,
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Sunday YM Youths--response
Hi all,
Yes, I feel very strongly that the three issues, namely our yths hanging out late (even if sometimes it's for some church-related activities), listening to a lot of rock music & looking up to those bands as their idols and the fact that they have absolutely no fear for our God are very serious issues in YM indeed and we all need to unite to pray for God to move in these areas. Indeed, nothing about these areas can be done by any of our mights, but only by God's spirit.
Let us be steadfast in prayer, and keep dying to ourselves daily so that we may be truly broken and available to be used by our Father.
in His love & mine,
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Sundays YM Youths
Dear all,
There are a few issues that I'll really like to address with the yths asap. There are some problems that our yths are facing for quite some time now but b'cos of the currl. BS following the theme on Acts & Missions wld not allow me the time to bring it up with YM. As I prayed with GAP on fridays and on my own, these yths' issues kept surfacing and I felt that I'm compelled to share with you all. I'm a bit troubled by it not b'cos of what I've seen but b'cos of the burden I believed God has laid upon my heart through prayer and I need to share with you- the spiritual state of YM. Some of these problems are:
1) BGR - Dating and hanging out late
2) Music - The kind of music that turn their minds "dull" & "muddled"
3) No reverence for God - no fear of God at all
The three issues are the ones I felt needed to address 1st even though there are other areas to be add. It might not sound urgent to you but I believe in the eyes of God, the yths are so precious to Him and God wants to bring His people into true repentance and back to a love relationship with their God!
What was the message at the A/YSGLs retreat?Was it not abt turning away from the accursed things in our lives and turning to our Holy God?
Was it not abt putting down our pride and surrendering ourselves fully to Him?
What was the message at the YM GAP retreat?Was it not abt surrendered lives? Was it not abt praying & interceding for YM?
What was God saying at the Friday GAP?Was it not abt prevailing in prayer and crying out our hearts to Him for mercy?
Was it not abt repentance of hearts for our yths?
When I was praying in the office with my eyes shut, I saw a congregation kneeling and wiping before God for repentance. That is the surrendering point! Towards the end of Friday GAP, with my eyes closed, I could see our yths, one by one, walking up to the cross, nailing down their sins and ambitions to God on a piece of paper. That is a prophetic act of surrendered lives!
What is the theme verse for 120th Anniv. at Wesley Methodist Church?Is it not the WORD that says, "Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty? Zech 4:6
Numbers 23:19 says, "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfil?" If that is true abt Him, then what is the Spirit of God saying to our church today?
In order to see a transformed ministry and for revival to come, we must come to a place to recognise our own spiritual condition, to be broken before God, and to recognise our own spiritual poverty and nakedness that we are nothing and we could do nothing without Him. If we are not broken before the Lord, then we are not fully surrendered, and we are saying to God, we don't need you to rule over those areas of our lives God b'cos we want to take control of our lives.
If there is no brokenness, God cannot transform us. If we are not fully dependent on God, God cannot use us. If we are not fully surrendered to God, God cannot revive us. Is this what we want?
Which are the areas of your lives that you need to be broken before God?
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise." Ps 51:17
By His Grace,
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A/YSGL Retreat Sharing Part Two--what the A/YSGLs shared
Here's a follow-up of what the leaders shared after Adriel's message on that night of the retreat:
- I came from different background, different church. God has called me to submit. I'll lay down my pride.
- Every part of the body control by the brain. Problem with pride. The pride with out Spiritual heritage. Many of us are very proud. We think we know what works and what don't. Some of us think "we know it all". In humility we need to recognise that we don't have the whole truth & we need to connect back to God - who is the brain of "the body".
- How are we going to move on if there is no urgency?
- I'm searching for "power" in my life. Our religion is different - we've a relationship with God
1) Disunity in YM among the leadership
2) Many unsurrendered sins in our lives
3) Confession - to one another
Reconciliation - unity
Surrendering -
We need to rebuild the altar.
- Reading Rev 2-3... you're wealthy .... You do not know you are poor, blind & naked
- I need to repent for I judge more than I love
- Rev 3 : 12 Come and be reconcilied to one another - to confess to one another our wrongs.
- We need to be united.
- We lack "fire"! A greater desire and passion to pursue after God.
- "Son, your life is not totally surrendered." YM is not totally surrendered.
- What does God wants us to do about what He is saying to us?
Something to ponder about as we pray for ourselves and YM.
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